Child welfare lawyers in Middlesex County, Massachusetts represent the legal interests of minors before the court and the legal system. Child welfare law attorneys might be privately retained, serve as a guardian ad litem or be appointed by the court to represent the best interests of a child. Issues for child welfare law include emergency custody hearings, child neglect or child support determinations, temporary custody, foster care, permanency planning, terminating parental rights, guardianship cases and adoptions. Child welfare lawyers in Middlesex County, Massachusetts may work in private practice or for government agencies including child protective services, social services, or the foster care system.
National Association of Counsel for Children - NACC is accredited by the ABA to certify attorneys as child welfare law specialists and works to improve the quality of legal representation of children in dependency, juvenile delinquency, and family law cases.
Lawyer Referral Service in Middlesex County, MA - The Middlesex County Bar Association (MCBA) sponsors a Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) from its offices in Woburn, Massachusetts. This community based non-profit service is designed to help individuals who can afford reasonable attorney fees but need help finding a qualified local attorney. After you receive the referral you can contact the attorney for a 30 minute consultation in the office or over the phone. You must pay a nominal $25.00 fee for the consultation.