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District of ColumbiaDiscrimination Lawyers in District of Columbia

Federal and state laws prevent employment discrimination in District of Columbia for certain protected classes.

Under federal law, an employer may not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin, disability or age.

In many states, it is also illegal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Discrimination could mean unfair hiring practices, creating a hostile work environment or unfair promotion schemes.

Contact a employment discrimination law attorney in District of Columbia to discuss your case.

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Alan Lescht

Alan Lescht
Alan Lescht & Associates, PC
1050 17th Street, NW Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 31 years, Alan Lescht is a Employment Law and Discrimination lawyer who attended St. John's University School of Law... read more >

R Scott Oswald

R Scott Oswald
The Employment Law Group, P.C.
888 17th Street, NW 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 27 years, R Scott Oswald is a Employment Law and Appellate Law lawyer who attended Howard University School of Law... read more >

David Lawrence Scher

David Lawrence Scher
The Employment Law Group, P.C.
888 17th Street Suite 900
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 24 years, David Lawrence Scher is a Employment Law lawyer who attended Fordham University School of Law... read more >

David A. Branch

David A. Branch
Law office of David A. Branch and Associates, PLLC
1828 L St NW Suite 820
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 32 years, David A. Branch is a Employment Law and Discrimination lawyer who attended Georgetown University... read more >

Adam Augustine Carter

Adam Augustine Carter
The Employment Law Group, P.C.
888 17th Street NW Suite 900
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 32 years, Adam Augustine Carter is a Employment Law lawyer who attended Georgetown University Law Center... read more >

Tom Spiggle

Tom Spiggle
The Spiggle Law Firm
1717 K Street Northwest #900
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 24 years, Tom Spiggle is a Employment Law lawyer who attended Georgetown University Law Center... read more >

Julie Saltman

Julie Saltman
H Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Julie Saltman is a Copyrights / Trademarks and Business Law lawyer... read more >

Winthrop Hubbard

Winthrop Hubbard
The Spiggle Law Firm
1717 K St NW #900
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 7 years, Winthrop Hubbard is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Jeremiah John-Isaac Hill

Jeremiah John-Isaac Hill
Jubilee Law Firm, PLLC
PO Box 3737
Washington, DC 20027
Licensed for a year, Jeremiah John-Isaac Hill is a Education Law and Business Law lawyer who attended United Theological Seminary... read more >

Laurence Lauro Socci

Laurence Lauro Socci
The Socci Law Firm, PLLC
P.O. Box 14051
Washington, DC 20044
Licensed for 7 years, Laurence Lauro Socci is a Criminal Defense and Family Law lawyer who attended Howard University School of Law... read more >

Rick Seymour

Rick Seymour
Law Office of Richard T. Seymour, PLLC (ADR)
1717 K ST NW Suite 1110
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 57 years, Rick Seymour is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Linda M Correia

Linda M Correia
Correia & Puth, PLLC
1400 16th ST NW Suite 450
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 33 years, Linda M Correia is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Katrina Grider

Katrina Grider
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
131 M St NE
Washington, DC 20002
Licensed for 34 years, Katrina Grider is a Employment Law lawyer who attended The University of Tulsa College of Law... read more >

Barbara L Johnson

Barbara L Johnson
BLJohnsonLaw PLLC
1300 I St NW 400E
Washington, DC 20005
Licensed for 39 years, Barbara L Johnson is a Employment Law lawyer who attended Marshall-Wythe School of Law - William & Mary... read more >

Yona Rozen

Yona Rozen
815 16th St NW
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 41 years, Yona Rozen is a Employment Law lawyer who attended Vanderbilt Law School... read more >

Michael DJ Eisenberg

Michael DJ Eisenberg
Law Office of Michael D.J. Eisenberg, Attorney and Counselor
700 12th Street, NW Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
Licensed for 21 years, Michael DJ Eisenberg is a Employment Law lawyer who attended Capital University Law School... read more >

Gerald L Gilliard

Gerald L Gilliard
Law Office of Gerald L. Gilliard, LLC
1629 K Street, NW Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 19 years, Gerald L Gilliard is a Employment Law lawyer who attended Georgetown University Law Center... read more >

Annick Marie Persinger

Annick Marie Persinger
1828 L St NW STE 1000
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 15 years, Annick Marie Persinger is a Employment Law lawyer who attended UC Hastings College of the Law... read more >

Jonathan C Puth

Jonathan C Puth
Webster Fredrickson Correia & Puth
1775 K St.
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 32 years, Jonathan C Puth is a Personal Injury and Employment Law lawyer who attended Georgetown University Law Center... read more >

Richard T Seymour

Richard T Seymour
The Law Office of Richard T. Seymour, PLLC
888 17th St. NW Suite 900, Brawner Buildi
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 57 years, Richard T Seymour is a Personal Injury and Employment Law lawyer who attended Harvard Law School... read more >

William T Wilson

William T Wilson
Bailey & Ehrenberg PLLC
5335 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington, DC 20015
Licensed for 41 years, William T Wilson is a Employment Law lawyer who attended Duke Law School... read more >

Juanita C Hernandez

Juanita C Hernandez
U S Securities & Exchange Commission
100 F St NE 3840 SP-3
Washington, DC 20549
Licensed for 40 years, Juanita C Hernandez is a Employment Law lawyer who attended Harvard Law School... read more >

Elaine Lynette Fitch

Elaine Lynette Fitch
Kalijarvi, Chuzi, Newman & Fitch, P.C.
1901 L Street Suite 610
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 24 years, Elaine Lynette Fitch is a Employment Law lawyer who attended University of California Hastings College of the Law... read more >

Christine E Webber

Christine E Webber
Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll, PLLC
1100 New York Ave. Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
Christine E Webber is a Personal Injury and Employment Law lawyer who attended University of Michigan Law School - University of Michigan... read more >

Juanita C Hernandez

Juanita C Hernandez
U S Securities & Exchange Commission
100 F Street Ne
Washington, DC 20549
Juanita C Hernandez is a Employment Law lawyer who attended Harvard Law School... read more >

Barbara L Johnson

Barbara L Johnson
Paul Hastings LLP
875 Fifteenth Stree N. W. Washi
Washington, DC 20005
Barbara L Johnson is a Employment Law lawyer who attended Marshall-Wythe School of Law - William & Mary... read more >

Kristin D Alden

Kristin D Alden
The Alden Law Group, PLLC
2600 Virginia Avenue, NW Suite 512
Washington, DC 20037
Licensed for 30 years, Kristin D Alden is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Leslie David Alderman III

Leslie David Alderman III
Alderman, Devorsetz & Hora PLLC
1025 Connecticut Avenue Suite 615
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 23 years, Leslie David Alderman III is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Denise M Clark

Denise M Clark
Clark Law Group, PLLC
1250 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 36 years, Denise M Clark is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Matthew Thomas Famiglietti

Matthew Thomas Famiglietti
Law Office of Matthew Famiglietti, PLLC
1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 25 years, Matthew Thomas Famiglietti is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Jonathan Louis Gould

Jonathan Louis Gould
Law Office of Jonathan L. Gould
1730 M Street, NW Suite 412
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 20 years, Jonathan Louis Gould is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Betty Grdina

Betty Grdina
Mooney Green Saindon Murphy & Welch
1920 L Street, NW Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036
Betty Grdina is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Cathy A Harris

Cathy A Harris
Kator, Parks & Weiser, PLLC
1200 18th Street, NW Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 25 years, Cathy A Harris is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Michael J Hoare

Michael J Hoare
Michael J. Hoare, PC
1383 Potomac Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Licensed for 57 years, Michael J Hoare is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Donna W Rucker

Donna W Rucker
Rucker & Associates, PC
888 16th Street, NW Suite 800
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 27 years, Donna W Rucker is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Ashley Esparza Sykes

Ashley Esparza Sykes
Venable LLP
600 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
Licensed for 10 years, Ashley Esparza Sykes is a Employment Law lawyer who attended University of Florida Levin College of Law... read more >

Carly Dianne Stein

Carly Dianne Stein
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
975 F St NW
Washington, DC 20004
Licensed for 10 years, Carly Dianne Stein is a Employment Law lawyer who attended University of Florida Levin College of Law... read more >

James R Klimaski

James R Klimaski
Klimaski & Associates, P.C.
1625 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 49 years, James R Klimaski is a Employment Law and Police Misconduct lawyer... read more >

Bruce A Fredrickson

Bruce A Fredrickson
Webster Fredrickson Correia & Puth, PLLC
1775 K St. NW Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 48 years, Bruce A Fredrickson is a Personal Injury and Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Reuben A Guttman

Reuben A Guttman
Grant & Eisenhofer, P.A.
1920 L St. NW Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 37 years, Reuben A Guttman is a Personal Injury and Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Phillip R Kete

Phillip R Kete
1425 K Street, NW Suite 350
Washington, DC 20005
Licensed for 42 years, Phillip R Kete is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Jose Emmanuel Galvan

Jose Emmanuel Galvan
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
1909 K St NW Ste 1000
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 13 years, Jose Emmanuel Galvan is a Employment Law lawyer who attended St. Mary's University School of Law... read more >

Kathryn Julia Youker

Kathryn Julia Youker
Lawyers' Committee for Civil Righs Under Law
1500 K St NW Ste 900
Washington, DC 20005
Licensed for 23 years, Kathryn Julia Youker is a Employment Law lawyer who attended University of Houston Law Center... read more >

Joanna Shalleck-Klein

Joanna Shalleck-Klein
Legal Aid of Marin
3131 Connecticut Ave NW Ste 2708
Washington, DC 20008
Licensed for 14 years, Joanna Shalleck-Klein is a Employment Law lawyer who attended Stanford Univ Law School; Stanford CA... read more >

Lisa J Banks

Lisa J Banks
Katz, Marshall & Banks, LLP
1718 Connecticut Avenue 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20009
Licensed for 24 years, Lisa J Banks is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Lynne Bernabei

Lynne Bernabei
Bernabei & Wachtel, PLLC
1775 T Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Licensed for 48 years, Lynne Bernabei is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Jennifer L Bezdicek

Jennifer L Bezdicek
The Bezdicek Law Firm
20 F Street, NW Suite 700
Washington, DC 20001
Licensed for 17 years, Jennifer L Bezdicek is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

Traci L Buschner

Traci L Buschner
Grant & Eisenhofer, PA
1920 L Street, NW Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 27 years, Traci L Buschner is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

David R Cashdan

David R Cashdan
Cashdan & Kane, PLLC
1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 58 years, David R Cashdan is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >

John M Clifford

John M Clifford
Clifford & Garde
1707 L Street, NW Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
Licensed for 51 years, John M Clifford is a Employment Law lawyer... read more >
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National Employment Lawyers Association

The NELA strives toward a world where employees are paid a living wage, that is free of employment discrimination, harassment or wrongful termination.

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