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District of ColumbiaNatural Resources / Oil and Gas Lawyers in District of Columbia

The law pertaining to natural resources and oil and gas in District of Columbia is closely tied to real estate, energy law, and property law, but can also pertain to environmental law. Frequently at dispute are mineral rights. Oil, natural gas, coal, precious metals and drinking water are all usually found under the ground. Therefore, legal disputes litigated in natural resources and oil and gas law include who has the rights to such materials, which can involve complicated matters of use and ownership. When choosing a transactional attorney for nature resources (oil and gas) law in or around District of Columbia, pay particular attention to the attorneys training and experience in leasing, exchange and development, and right of way acquisitions.

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Jordan Jennings Davis

Jordan Jennings Davis
Height Capital Markets
1775 Pennsylvania Ave NW 11th Floor
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 16 years, Jordan Jennings Davis is a Natural Resources / Oil and Gas lawyer who attended South Texas College of Law... read more >

Yeun Gi Ahn

Yeun Gi Ahn
Stinson LLP (Washington, DC)
1775 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Ste 800
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 7 years, Yeun Gi Ahn is a Natural Resources / Oil and Gas lawyer... read more >

Thomas Lowe Young

Thomas Lowe Young
Young & Partners
1440 G St NW
Washington, DC 20003
Licensed for 25 years, Thomas Lowe Young is a Class Action and Personal Injury lawyer who attended University of Florida Levin College of L... read more >

Tereza Widmar

Tereza Widmar
Skadden, Arps
1440 New York Ave NW Ste 600
Washington, DC 20005
Licensed for 10 years, Tereza Widmar is a International Law and Natural Resources / Oil and Gas lawyer who attended University of Pennsylva... read more >

Jerrod Taylor Jones

Jerrod Taylor Jones
Exxon Mobil Corporation
2020 K St NW
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 11 years, Jerrod Taylor Jones is a International Law and Natural Resources / Oil and Gas lawyer who attended South Texas Colle... read more >

Erica Lee Beacom

Erica Lee Beacom
1401 I St NW
Washington, DC 20005
Licensed for 9 years, Erica Lee Beacom is a Business Law and Health Law lawyer who attended Marshall-Wythe School of Law - William & Mary... read more >

Simon Edward Stevens

Simon Edward Stevens
Allen & Overy LLP
1100 New York Ave NW
Washington, DC 20005
Licensed for 7 years, Simon Edward Stevens is a Business Law and Bankruptcy lawyer who attended Georgetown University Law Center... read more >

Nicholas James Alman

Nicholas James Alman
815 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 11 years, Nicholas James Alman is a Business Law and Natural Resources / Oil and Gas lawyer who attended University of Virgini... read more >

Joshua Adam Gold

Joshua Adam Gold
United States Attorney's Office
555 4th St NW
Washington, DC 20001
Licensed for 8 years, Joshua Adam Gold is a Criminal Defense and Business Law lawyer who attended The University of Texas School of Law... read more >

Anne Legendre Idsal

Anne Legendre Idsal
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20004
Licensed for 15 years, Anne Legendre Idsal is a Administrative Law and Local Government Law lawyer who attended Baylor Law School... read more >

Andrew Richmond Knop

Andrew Richmond Knop
888 First St NE
Washington, DC 20426
Licensed for 7 years, Andrew Richmond Knop is a Real Estate Law and Commercial Real Estate Law lawyer who attended University of Houston La... read more >

Ralph Leslie Smith III

Ralph Leslie Smith III
Mayer Brown LLP
1999 K St NW
Washington, DC 20006
Licensed for 9 years, Ralph Leslie Smith III is a Business Law and Civil Rights lawyer who attended Tulane University Law School... read more >
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