Estate planning attorneys in California help clients make decisions about preserving their wealth and distributing the wealth after their death to relatives or charities. For high income or high asset clients the estate planning attorney should be experienced in drafting instruments such as simple and complex wills, living trusts, complex revocable inter vivos trusts, charitable remainder or charitable lead trusts. Estate planning lawyers in [state] also help clients understand the applicable federal and state tax burdens.
ACTEC is a fellowship of attorneys seeking to improve trust, estate and tax laws, as well as the procedures and ethics of attorneys who work in those fields. Many of the top trust and estate attorneys belong to this respected organization.
San Gabriel Valley Lawyer Referral Service - The Lawyer Referral Service is a community based non-profit service affiliated with the San Gabriel Valley Bar Association, the Pasadena Bar Association, and the Eastern Bar Association of LA County. With offices in Covina, CA, this service has more than 100 participating attorneys serving clients in Monterey Park, San Gabriel Valley and Pomona Valley.