Property owners in or around California have a degree of responsibility to the people on their property.
Premises liability is generally defined as the liability a property owner might have for certain torts that occur on the real property.
Whether or not the person had a right to be on the premises bears significantly on whether the property owner is liable for any injuries the person suffered.
For instance, a retail store has a higher degree of care for customers in its store, but a very low degree of care for a burglar who breaks in.
Property owners with an "attractive nuisance," such as a swimming pool, are responsible for making sure the nuisance is secure from children.
Find out more by contacting a premises liability attorney in California to discuss the particular facts of your case.
The AAJ is committed to promoting a fair and effective civil justice system while supporting the work of attorneys representing plaintiffs.
The CAOC serves both as a professional organization for California personal injury attorneys and other lawyers who represent plaintiffs, and as an advocacy group that opposes legislation that would limit access to the civil court system.
Glendale Lawyer Referral Service - The Lawyer Referral Service is a community based non-profit service sponsored by the Glendale Bar Association. The lawyer referral service helps individuals and businesses find a qualified attorney throughout Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena, and Los Angeles, CA.