Construction law cases that arise during building construction including contract disputes, bonds and bonding, sureties, liens, and construction claims. The definitions of construction law include a wide variety of legal issues for the parties involved in the industry including surveyors, builders, construction workers, subcontractors, engineers, planners, and financial institutions. Construction attorneys in Fayette County, Kentucky represent construction companies and developers dealing with building code requirements before municipalities.
Central Kentucky Lawyer Referral Service - Since 1995, the Fayette County Bar Association (FCBA) in Lexington, KY, has sponsored its own separate Lawyer Referral Service. The CKLRS was created to help individuals who need a qualified attorney and have the ability to pay reasonable attorney fees. When you call the service, a trained staff person will help you determine the type of attorney needed. When appropriate, you will be referred to a local attorney with experience in the needed practice area. The attorneys that participate in the program agree to charge a nominal consultation fee of $25 for a 30 minute consultation. During the initial consultation, you can discuss the case with the attorney and the fees needed for additional representation.