After a marriage ends in divorce or separation, the husband and wife may be on very different financial footing. To remedy this, states have implemented alimony or spousal support, in which one spouse makes payments to the other either during the separation or even after the divorce is finalized. The amount of the alimony or spousal support payments in DuPage County, Illinois usually depend on the income and ability of the paying spouse to contribute, and the needs of the payee spouse. It may be altered or modified when circumstances change significantly. Laws vary widely in different jurisdictions, so a local divorce or family law attorney focused on alimony or spousal support cases in DuPage County, Illinois can give you legal advice based on your particular circumstances.
Lawyer Referral Service in DuPage County - The DuPage County Bar Association sponsors a Lawyer Referral and Mediation Service from its offices in Wheaton, Illinois. The lawyer referral service helps individuals and businesses find an attorney throughout DuPage County and the surrounding areas. Attorneys that participate in the service are pre-screened for their area of concentration in more than 35 different practice areas. For a nominal referral fee, you can talk with the attorney during a 30 minute consultation at no additional charge.