Child support attorneys in Illinois help the mother or father determine their rights and responsibilities for financially supporting a child. In many cases, the non-custodial parent pays support to the custodial parent under child support calculations mandated by state law. The child support calculators use factors such as income, expenses, and time-sharing arrangements. When the circumstances of the parent or child change significantly, one parent can go back to modify the child support order. Family law and divorce attorneys that represent parents in child support cases typically require a retainer and base their attorney fees on an hourly rate.
Lawyer Referral Service in Chicago - The Chicago Bar Association sponsors a non-profit Lawyer Referral Service. The public service refers individuals and businesses to local attorneys in Chicago, and the surrounding areas of Cook County, DuPage County, and Lake County, Illinois. More than 300 pre-screened attorneys participate in the Lawyer Referral Service. These attorneys serve on more than 40 different subject matter panels depending on their experience in a particular practice area. The attorneys that participate in the service have an average of 20 years experience.