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Timothy Hintze

Timothy Hintze

Criminal Defense and DUI / DWI Lawyer
Colburn Hintze Maletta PLLC
Phoenix, AZ
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About Timothy Hintze

Attorney Biography

Attorney Timothy Hintze represents clients across all courts in Arizona, litigating criminal matters ranging from misdemeanors to complex felony cases. He has gained extensive experience at some of the largest defense firms in Arizona, obtaining numerous victories including jury trial acquittals and complete dismissals.

Tim graduated from law school summa cum laude. He was an executive board member for his school's law journal and participated in national oral advocacy competitions. He has since devoted his practice solely to criminal defense and is a member of the DUI Defense Lawyers Association. Tim is an aggressive advocate for his clients, fighting for the best possible outcome in all cases. He prides himself on exhausting all avenues to ensure that his clients receive the highest level of representation. His comprehensive approach to defending his clients has earned him a reputation as an extremely effective trial attorney.

Practice Areas

Criminal Defense (34%)
DUI / DWI (33%)
Family Law (33%)


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Résumé - Timothy Hintze

Bar Licenses

Arizona State Bar
Member in Good Standing

Work Experience

Colburn Hintze Maletta, PLLC

Rosenstein Law Group
Rosenstein Law Group
Attorney at Law

DM Cantor
Attorney at Law

Knowles Law Firm, PLC
Associate Attorney

Maricopa County Office of the Public Defende
Deputy Public Defender

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Arizona Summit Law School
Arizona Summit Law School
Juris Doctor

Arizona State University, Tempe
Arizona State University, Tempe
Bachelor of Arts

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National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys

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Awards & Honors

Top 40 Lawyers under 40 in Criminal Defense
National Trial Lawyers

Legal Committee
National Organization for the Reformation of Marijuana Laws

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Commercial Recognitions

Community Leadership badge
Recognized for Community Leadership
Lawyer Legion

Professional Involvement badge
Recognized for Professional Involvement
Lawyer Legion

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Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch - Criminal Defense: White-Collar
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Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch - DUI / DWI Defense
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Clients Choice Award

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Reviews - Timothy Hintze

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Attorney Endorsements

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Contact Timothy Hintze

Timothy Hintze
Colburn Hintze Maletta PLLC
2150 E Highland Avenue Suite 212
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Office: 602-932-2999
Office: 602-825-2500

More Information

Statewide Practice Areas

Maricopa County, Arizona - The Lawyer Legion Information Center of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona provides numerous resources for consumers in need of legal guidance. Search our directory of lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists, and bar associations. Learn more about the legal system in Phoenix and Maricopa County, AZ by finding important government and court resources, an overview of state laws. Use our comprehensive attorney directory to browse, compare connect with the best attorneys currently practicing law in Phoenix.

Criminal Defense in Arizona - Lawyer Legion criminal law information center of Arizona. Find and compare the best criminal defense attorneys and law firms in Arizona.

DUI / DWI in Arizona - DUI, DWI, drunk driving defense attorneys in the United States. Lawyer Legion DUI information center on penalties and punishments and finding a DUI defense attorney.
