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Joseph W Seifert

Joseph W Seifert

Family Law and Real Estate Lawyer
Seifert & Associates
Milwaukee, WI
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About Joseph W Seifert

Attorney Biography

From quality legal advice and business insight to efficient legal product, when it comes to client service, everything matters. Seifert & Associates is committed to providing services that are affordable, reliable and successful. Based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Seifert & Associates provides a wide range of legal services to meet client needs. Representing clients is a privilege, and we strive to serve the community to provide people with just and equitable outcomes. Our ability to combine legal expertise and 20 years of experience in business, global trade & finance, insurance, and securities law, sets us apart from the rest.

Practice Areas

Family Law (20%)
Estate and Probate Law (20%)
Immigration Law (20%)
Civil Rights (20%)
Real Estate Law (20%)

Résumé - Joseph W Seifert

Bar Licenses

Wisconsin State Bar
Member in Good Standing

Reviews - Joseph W Seifert

Not yet reviewed

Attorney Endorsements

Not yet endorsed

Contact Joseph W Seifert

Joseph W Seifert
Seifert & Associates
757 N Broadway Ste 300
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Office: 414-273-9900