Ms. Ary represented the claimant (employee) in an
arbitration against her former employer. The
employer was represented by three attorneys at the
largest employment law firm in the country. The
employee was temporarily disabled after surgery
and required more than 12 weeks of leave.
Without telling the employee (in violation of its
own policy), the employer began recruiting for her
replacement shortly after her 12th week of
leave. Her replacement was hired days before she
was cleared to return to work. Her replacement
was scheduled to begin work the day AFTER the
claimant could have returned to work. The
employer reassigned the claimant to a PRN (as
needed) position which offered no work hours.
The employee quit as a result. The employer
argued that continuing to hold the claimant's
position open posed an undue hardship because of
difficulty scheduling short-term coverage. The
arbitrator, repeatedly referring to it as "a close
case," ruled in favor of the claimant on the state
and federal claims for failure to accommodate and
awarded claimant over $320,000.