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Lani Jeanne Sockle

Lani Jeanne Sockle

Family Law and Divorce Lawyer
Morris and Sockle
Olympia, WA
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About Lani Jeanne Sockle

Attorney Biography

Jeanne Sockle is a principle and managing partner in Morris-Sockle, PLLC. She is a successful civil litigator who has focused her legal practice on complex litigation, primarily catastrophic injury and wrongful death lawsuits. Above all else, she is a strong client advocate, dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals and providing access to the civil justice system through confident, compassionate, and skilled legal representation.

Jeanne is a graduate of the Washington State Bar Association Law Clerk Program (APR6). Washington is one of the few states that continues to provide this alternative means of studying law. Rather than attending traditional law school, Ms. Sockle worked and studied as a law clerk in the law firm under the supervision of the WSBA. Before becoming an attorney, she worked for thirteen years as a paralegal and law clerk. She has the best of both forms of legal training – formal, academic education and in-the-trenches experience. Ms. Sockle’s under graduate education includes an Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies from University of Maryland and a Bachelor's Degree from The Evergreen State College.

Jeanne’s professional associations include: the American Association for Justice (AAJ) Presidents’ Club, Washington State Association for Justice (WSAJ) Eagle member, Washington State Bar Association, Thurston County Bar Association, King County Bar Association Family Law Section.

Jeanne has served as a member and Chair of the Washington State Bar Association Law Clerk Board, as a Thurston County Family Court Child Advocate, and as a founding member of the Thurston County Volunteer Legal Clinic.

In her leisure time, Jeanne enjoys travel and outdoor activities such walking, snorkeling, golf, yoga; and spending precious time with her family and friends.

Practice Areas

Family Law (50%)
Divorce (50%)

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Résumé - Lani Jeanne Sockle

Bar Licenses

Washington State Bar
Member in Good Standing

Work Experience

Morris and Sockle
Morris - Sockle Partner


Washington Sate Bar AssociationAPR 6 Law Clerk Program

Evergreen State College

Maryland School of Law

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Active Member
Thurston County Bar Association

Awards & Honors

American Association for Justice
National College of Advocacy "Advocate"
American Association for Justice

Commercial Recognitions

Professional Involvement badge
Recognized for Professional Involvement
Lawyer Legion

Reviews - Lani Jeanne Sockle

Not yet reviewed

Attorney Endorsements

Not yet endorsed

Contact Lani Jeanne Sockle

Lani Jeanne Sockle
Morris and Sockle
3025 Limited Lane NW Suite 200
Olympia, WA 98502
Office: 360-866-7100

Online Profiles

More Information

Bar License Information

Washington State Bar Association -

Lani Jeanne Sockle - Member information with the Washington State Bar Association - Find more information about Lani Jeanne Sockle on the Washington State Bar Association website including member status and disciplinary history.

Statewide Practice Areas

Family Law in Washington - The Lawyer Legion Family Law Information Center of Washington provides valuable resources for people in need of legal help with a divorce or family law issue. Browse and compare lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists and recognized leaders in the field of matrimonial law. Find valuable resources such as legal associations, civil justice organizations, courts, and government resources in the state of Washington.
