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Shawn Smith

Shawn Smith

Family Lawyer
Soyars and Morgan Law, P.C.
San Antonio, TX
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About Shawn Smith

Attorney Biography

Shawn Smith is a Family Law and Criminal Defense lawyer in San Antonio Texas

Practice Areas

Family Law (20%)
Criminal Defense (10%)
Appellate Law (10%)
Drug Crimes (10%)
DUI / DWI (10%)
Seal or Expunge Criminal Record (10%)
Domestic Violence (10%)
Juvenile Defense (10%)
Sex Crimes (10%)
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Austin, TX

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Recognized for Professional Involvement
Lawyer Legion

Reviews - Shawn Smith

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Attorney Endorsements

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Contact Shawn Smith

Shawn Smith
Soyars and Morgan Law, P.C.
310 South St. Marys Suite 1860
San Antonio, TX 78205
Office: 210-405-9243

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Bexar County, Texas - The Lawyer Legion Information Center of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas provides numerous resources for consumers in need of legal guidance. Search our directory of lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists, and bar associations. Learn more about the legal system in San Antonio and Bexar County, TX by finding an overview of state and county laws, important government and court resources. Use our comprehensive attorney directory to browse, compare connect with the best attorneys currently practicing law in San Antonio.

Criminal Defense in Texas - Find the best criminal defense lawyers in Texas by using the online attorney directory at Lawyer Legion.

DUI / DWI in Texas - DUI, DWI, drunk driving defense attorneys in the United States. Lawyer Legion DUI information center on penalties and punishments and finding a DUI defense attorney.
