Attorney Biography
John K. Grubb offers empathy along with professional legal counsel that is not always true of most divorce and family law attorneys. As a family lawyer in Houston TX, John K. Grubb focuses his practice on representing spouses where a corporate or business interest is in dispute. He works closely with clients for child custodyarrangements and helps people calculate child supportfairly and accurately for high income parents. As a matrimonial and prenup lawyer, he represents many business professionals to secure assets, property and income with premarital and post-marital agreements.
Family life has always been the most important thing for Mr. Grubb. He feels lucky to have celebrated many years of happiness with his wife, Evelyn Heim-Grubb, who is the Vice President of Finance at St. Thomas High School. Mr. Grubb has three children of whom he is extremely proud: his daughter Dr. Laura K. Grubb is the Director of Adolescence Pediatrics at Tuffs Medical School, his son William K. Grubb worked as a sports reporter at CBS Radio Houston and is now in law school at South Texas College of Law. His other son is an accounting major at the University of Nebraska.