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Randy Crownover

Randy Crownover

Criminal Defense and Family Lawyer
Crownover Law Firm
Abilene, TX
1 Star Avg
( 2 ) Reviews
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About Randy Crownover

Attorney Biography

If you mess up with Class 3 firearms and assets, it’s a federal and state felony and a lifetime ban from gun ownership, possession, and use. Do you want your NFA Gun Trust prepared by a Licensed Attorney or a "one size fits all cookie cutter" Salesman? Don't risk your's and your family's future. Saving a few bucks is not worth your peace of mind.

Business hours: Mon- Fri - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Practice Areas

Criminal Defense (20%)
Family Law (20%)
Divorce (20%)
Child Support (20%)
Child Custody / Visitation (20%)

Résumé - Randy Crownover

Bar Licenses

Texas State Bar
Member in Good Standing


Commercial Recognitions

Professional Involvement badge
Recognized for Professional Involvement
Lawyer Legion

Reviews - Randy Crownover

1.0 Star Avg
2 Reviews

6000$ for MAKING me take the first deal that was offered…

Posted by: Matthew Valdez

6000$ for MAKING me take the first deal that was offered…

I hired randy for a 3rd degree tampering with evidence. We agreed to go for a plea that would keep me out of prison. Nothing specific I just wanted him to make sure it was within reason and I told him I might can live with 5 years but I was really shooting for less than that. He agreed to also put it off for about a year. So three months later I go to court and the first thing he did was explain how awful my criminal history was. Granted it’s extensive but it’s basically a lot of marijuana misdemeanors with a poss of con sub 3rd degree from 2002 and an out of state dui from 2007. Let me also state that my tampering charge was basically a glorified misdemeanor considering that said evidence was approximately 2 grams of marijuana…well after the long winded spill about my terrible criminal history he finally came with the deal 6 years probation. I was not happy with that one single bit and when he could sense that I wasn’t gonna accept it he threatened to withdraw as my attorney. I really wish I would’ve spoke up in court but like the other review stated Randy is a master at scaring the crap out of you and can make you feel so bewildered that you just want to scream. And that is how I ended up getting completely screwed by this man for 6000 dollars. I doubt he wasted more than 5 hours of actual work on the case. I’m not well versed in what is ethical and unethical or illegal when it come to attorney client relations but his practices are unethical to be certain and I suspect maybe even criminal. I came to seriously loathe this man and I feel for ANYONE that enters his office. I am thoroughly convinced that he also had that 3rd degree felony enhanced to 2nd degree punishment range also because when I first consulted him he told me that I surely would be facing enhancement and lo and behold after a couple of weeks he informed me that I had in fact been enhanced. Please avoid this man at all costs

This guy is bad news!

Posted by: Jacob Winters
Criminal Defense

This guy is bad news!

Randy crownover represented me as a public defender in Taylor county. He made it impossible for me to make sound decisions because he constantly lied about everything! He arranged a plea agreement for 10 years deferred adjudicated probation but neglected to inform me that if I violated the probation the range of punishment would fall under a habitual attachment! I went back in front of the judge and explained to him that my attorney had misled me and that I wanted to have a trial and abort the plea. Randy actually fought against me in open court and the judge refused my motion.I was within the 30 day timeline and should have been allowed to remove my plea and have a trial but randy thwarted my motion. He does the prosecution's job and he does it well. He weaves this illusory web of lies around you that makes you feel as if your losing your mind. You have no idea what's true and once your disoriented he goes in for the kill. He is bad news and I'm going to let everyone know it so that they won't be subjected to him like I was

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Contact Randy Crownover

Randy Crownover
Crownover Law Firm
3444 N 1st St #502
Abilene, TX 79603
Office: 325-676-0777

More Information

Bar License Information

Texas Bar Membership -

Randy Crownover - Membership information with The State Bar of Texas - Find more information about Randy Crownover on The State Bar of Texas website including status and disciplinary history.

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Family Law in Texas - The Lawyer Legion Family Law Information Center of Texas provides valuable resources for people in need of legal help with a divorce or family law issue. Browse and compare lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists and recognized leaders in the field of matrimonial law. Find valuable resources such as legal associations, civil justice organizations, courts, and government resources in the state of Texas.
