Dedicated Attorney. Good fighter. Pace Setter. Industrious Lawyer
For some reason(s) having an attorney to present is one thing and having an attorney who cares about
your life and your freedom which is about to be taking away from you by the justice department for
crime you did not commit or offence that should be given community service. Having Mr. Bernard
Nwaiwu as my lawyer in two felony charges opened my eyes about OK Lawyers and WORKABLE Lawyers with
good intent to help. For Mr. Bernard Nwaiwu to pick up case and represent shows he cares about your
case. He's not in for your for the goodness of the money you going to pay him. He present with his
heart seeking justice for you. I also know that when you have court case you become self
hypertensive in nature. Trust me people I was like that for two years looking for answer and cant
wait for my case to be over. THIS MAN WORKED DELIGENTLY, PACE BY PACE. Yes he was not in hurry
because if he was in hurry I WILL BE IN PRISON by now. Listen y'all had two felony with no witness
and the self acclaimed victim have police, by standers and coworker who came to testify against me
in court. AGAIN I HAVE NO WITNESS. Mr. Bernard Nwaiwu is the Lawyer you need when I have case.
Again, he want you to tell him the truth about your case so that he can legally represent you. You
can google my name and case . I wasn't paid to write this review hence I left my name open not
anonymous. I pray that God remove any problem out of my way till I die because No one wanna be in
court room with uncertainties. Most importantly, he doesn't like to be rushed over his case. I did
that and am glad I took his advise all the way. FREE MAN !!! ALL CHARGES ACQUITTED BY THE JURY
because I was innocent.