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Benson Varghese

Benson Varghese

Criminal Defense and Marijuana Lawyer
Varghese Summersett PLLC
Fort Worth, TX
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About Benson Varghese

Attorney Biography

Varghese Summersett PLLC is a boutique criminal defense firm that represents individuals at the state and federal levels. (817) 203-2220. https://www.familytexas.com

In addition to handling all levels of marijuana charges, the firm also regularly handles interdiction, seizures, and forfeitures.

Practice Areas

Criminal Defense (25%)
Marijuana Law (24%)
Criminal Appellate Law (6%)
DUI / DWI (6%)
Federal Crimes (6%)
Drug Crimes (5%)
Sex Crimes (5%)
Immigration Law (5%)
Appellate Law (4%)
International Law (4%)
White Collar Crime (4%)
Seal or Expunge Criminal Record (3%)
Juvenile Defense (3%)
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Résumé - Benson Varghese

Bar Licenses

Texas State Bar
Member in Good Standing


Specialty Certifications

Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Board Certified Specialist
Criminal Law


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Commercial Recognitions

Professional Involvement badge
Recognized for Professional Involvement
Lawyer Legion

Reviews - Benson Varghese

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Attorney Endorsements

Steven Matthew Baker
Endorsement: Criminal Defense
June 01, 2022
Benson Varghese is the founder and Managing Partner of Varghese Summersett. He is also a top Board Certified Criminal Defense Attorney in North Texas.

Contact Benson Varghese

Benson Varghese
Varghese Summersett PLLC
300 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1650
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Office: 817-203-2220

Secondary Address:
100 Crescent Court, Suite 700
Dallas, TX 75201

Online Profiles

More Information

Bar License Information

Texas Bar Membership -

Benson Varghese - Membership information with The State Bar of Texas - Find more information about Benson Varghese on The State Bar of Texas website including status and disciplinary history.

Statewide Practice Areas

Tarrant County, Texas - The Lawyer Legion Information Center of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas provides numerous resources for consumers in need of legal guidance. Search our directory of lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists, and bar associations. Learn more about the legal system in Fort Worth and Tarrant County, TX by finding an overview of state and county laws, important government and court resources. Use our comprehensive attorney directory to browse, compare connect with the best attorneys currently practicing law in Fort Worth.

Criminal Defense in Texas - Find the best criminal defense lawyers in Texas by using the online attorney directory at Lawyer Legion.

DUI / DWI in Texas - DUI, DWI, drunk driving defense attorneys in the United States. Lawyer Legion DUI information center on penalties and punishments and finding a DUI defense attorney.
