Attorney Biography
I help people to be remembered as the heroes they already are.
Sometimes that's with Wills and Estate Planning. Sometimes that's with litigating family issues. Sometimes it's developing strategies and policies for churches, nonprofits, and small businesses.
I am a licensed (#026816) Tennessee Attorney.
I am also a licensed (#2486288) Tennessee Life and Health Insurance Professional.
I have a Law degree from the Nashville School of Law, a Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and a Bachelor's degree in Bible and Youth Ministry from Harding University. I also have an Associate In Claims designation from The Institutes. I have completed both Alliance Defending Freedom's basic and advanced National Litigation Academies.
I am a Christian attorney who is an active participant with Compassionate Counsel, Kingdom Advisors, and the Christian Legal Society.
How can I help you be remembered? Call me at (615) 497-0763 to start your path toward peace today.