Unprofessional & Rude
Chelsea fought 2 cases for me. The 1st one, she had very little time to review my case and still
kicked butt in the courtroom (and won). During the 2nd one, however, her attitude changed
drastically. She was extremely rude, couldn't be bothered, was always annoyed with me, and
constantly put my case on the back burner. She yelled at me on multiple occasions, then blamed it on
"being stressed." She pushed my court date back multiple times; once being the week before a
holiday..... just so that she could leave early. Furthermore, she messed up my birthday on the
paperwork, the college I graduated from (in an email she sent to the District Attorney; she had my
transcript AND diploma right in front of her), and referred to me (in a letter) as a male (I am NOT
transgender and I identify solely as a female). Oh yeah.... and she is ALWAYS late to court. Also,
be prepared to get scolded at for trying to contact her outside business hours. Heaven forbid you
work the same hours she does and can't always contact her when it's most convenient for her. On top
of that, she expects you to answer her calls immediately, even if you're working, in the hospital,
driving, etc., etc., etc. However, she doesn't have to do the same. The world is supposed to revolve
around her, so do not email, call, or text her outside her normal business hours or she will get
extremely aggravated.
She also gave me an ultimatum: Take reviews down or she will not represent me. She gave me "x"
amount of time to decide whether or not I still wanted her to represent me. However, she didn't even
wait that long and withdrew herself, which was not what said in the formal letter she sent me. (By
the way, I had taken down the 2 reviews [per her request].)
Choose her if you want, but be prepared to be mistreated and having to walk on eggshells.