Attorney Biography
I am a criminal defense attorney that represents clients accused of possession and marijuana-related crimes such as Intent to Deliver and DUI with a controlled substance. I aggressively defend all marijuana charges and my number one goal in any case is a full dismissal.
I have a reputation as a hard-hitting and aggressive defense attorney. I will not hesitate to fight for your rights every step of the way.
I handle matters throughout southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Contact my office for a free consultation
�The Pennsylvania State University
oBachelor of Science
�The Duquesne University School of Law
oJuris Doctorate
oSpecialization in Litigation
oBusiness Law Review
oFederal Litigation Clinic
oNumerous awards for academic achievements.
�Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
�Supreme Court of New Jersey
�Federal Court - United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania
�Federal Court - United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania
�American Bar Association
�Pennsylvania Bar Association
�New Jersey Bar Association
�NORML – Pennsylvania Verified Attorney
�Philadelphia Bar Association - Criminal Law Division
�PACDL - The Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
�American Inn of Court - Philadelphia Criminal Law Division
�Certified Arbitrator in the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania