Attorney Biography
Maria's compassion for her clients and tenacity to confront bias amidst an obtrusive judiciary comes form her own personal experience as the victim, and those of her family. Her Uncle was a defendant in a real estate related law suit. She was the victim of a municipal "Regulatory Taking" action on her law office property. She fought the township and maintains ownership of her property to this day. Additionaly, she was the intended victim of a "Bad Faith" malpractice action. During litigation, Maria uncovered that an insurance company's attorney assigned to her case had lied about facts in order to indicate Maria as being liable when she was not. This act of deception was an attempt to compel Maria's insurance provider to pay a settlement fee unnecessarily. Upon Maria's revealing the offending attorneys guilt, his firm agreed to pay the settlement cost in order to avoid defensive litigation. Throughout the years, Attorney Feeney has litigated a number of complex estate cases with a higher than average success rate. She's even won a number of cases which other firms turned down because they considered them unwinnable. She has experience in child custody, business law, estate administration, and adoption law, among others.