Attorney Biography
My firm and I practice criminal defense exclusively. We primarily practice in the state and federal courts of Pennsylvania. However I consult with lawyers from across the country and I will travel to meet your defense needs. In my law firm we use analytical chemistry and real science to defend our clients who are charged with drug crimes and DUI. We are constantly challenging the test results and the means of gathering evidence against our clients. That scientific based defense carries over to how we defend all other crimes. We represent people charged with everything from marijuana possession to murder. My firm also handles a lot of synthetic drug cases and sex crimes.
In terms of training we travel across the country every year to learn the latest defense techniques as well as science based defenses to defend our clients. I am one of less than 30 Lawyer-Scientists certified by the American Chemical Society in the entire country.
My firm not only handles a lot of drug and DUI cases, we handle a good number of violent crime and financial crimes cases with a large percentage of our violent crimes cases being sex related crimes. In relation to the sex related crimes my firm in conjunction with an excellent psychologist has come up with an excellent scientific based testing and report scheme to mitigate our client's sentences as well as defend against sexualy violent predetor designations.
Not only do the lawyers in my firm train on the law and the science, we also study the psychologu of decision making and how to present our cases to judges and juries.