Attorney Biography
Tim Huey's biggest accomplishments are being a good husband and great father. He has also had significant success and recognition as defense lawyer including:
Being elected President of the National DUI Defense Lawyers Association (DUIDLA) in 2018. Being Elected President of the Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (OACDL) 2012. Being chosen to write the Ohio OVI Defense; the Law & Practice, Lawyers & Judges Publishing. Being asked to do over 100 presentations on DUI defense topics in 14 states and several national seminars. Being appointed in 2015 by the Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives to serve on the Ohio Criminal Justice Recodification Committee to help rewrite the Ohio Criminal Code as the only committee member whose practice is primarily focused on DUI defense. Helping many, many folks accused of DUI, vehicular injury or vehicular death charges get their life back. (Some examples below.)Mr. Huey has also been:
A Charter Member of the DUIDLA. A DUIDLA Justice Foundation Trustee. A DUIDLA Board Member. Sustaining member of the National College for DUI Defense. Ohio Delegate to the NCDD.Some of his recent successes include:
In 2011 State of Ohio v Nicole Gerome. The result was a ruling that the Intoxilyzer 8000 has vulnerabilities. In 2013 State of Ohio v Chelsea Lancaster ruling that the Intoxilyzer 8000 results "are not scientifically reliable." In2014 Cincinnati v Ilg, as Amicus Counsel in the Ohio Supreme Court holding that the accused can challenge and question breath results and breath instruments. In 2016 State of Ohio v Michael Venturelli, Lima Municipal Court, Mr. Huey cross-examined the state's top breath testing expert and got a ruling that she was not qualified to give expert testimony about the BAC DataMaster breath testing instrument. In 2017 State of Ohio v Zack Benner, Lima Ohio Municipal same ruling as in Venturelli even AFTER the expert got "advanced training" at the DataMaster factory. In 2018 In reA.LMr. Huey was brought in for trial of a juvenile case, that got enhanced to felony vehicular homicide after the juvenile, the daughter of a judge, insisted she was not guilty and refused to plead to a misdemeanor. Mr. Huey cross-examined a GM OnStar engineer and got his testimony excluded. His closing argument focused on the battle of the experts and the state’s failure to meet its burden and was the lynch pen upon which the judge rendered a verdict of Not Guilty on all charges.Tim has authored many articles on DUI issues for publications such as:
The DWI Journal: Law & Science - a two-part article on Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and State v Homan. The National College for DUI Defense Journal - Trial Tips. The Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Vindicator Magazine - breath testing and DUI science..Tim has authored or co-authored Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) briefs on various issues including Intoxilyzer 8000 breath test results, field sobriety testing, HGN, blood testing, and destruction of video tapes.
Tim is a National College for DUI Defense Sustaining Member, lecturer, mock trial participant and trial skills leader.
Tim has given over 100 DUI related presentations to lawyers in Ohio, Oklahoma, Georgia, Texas, Wyoming, Florida, Arkansas, South Carolina, Colorado, Michigan, Illinois, Arizona, New Hampshire and Tennessee.