Failed to Fulfill Fiduciary Duty FRAUD
Attorney David Antoine Tanner who once practiced solo inside of another firm located at 8635 S.
Eastern Ave, Las Vegas then moved to another office at 13320 E. Pebble Rd...didn't stay long after
I filed me complaint with the Nevada State Bar and the FBI he moved overnight like a thief in the
night and now he conned his way in to another office called, Tanner Churchill case he
is reprimanded by the state bar for his deceptive practices. David A. Tanner presents himself well
as first impression being a "top litigator" and using certain so called awards such as the
Martindale, etc in that is advertisement that you pay for to get recognized and key words like "top
rated." His positive reviews are coerced and written amongst his staff who are his non catholic
church members and his "managing partners." I hired David Antoine Tanner for a serious personal
injury case in 2017...the case was settled a few years later. During the process I was told by
David A. Tanner that I was not to use my personal insurance at office visits and "everything is to
be placed on a lien." David Tanner forged, cut and paste, photo shopped pertinent documents and was
able to manipulate my personal injury case in whom he is in cahoots with medical providers where
they created fake bills indicating services that were NEVER rendered as well as listing providers
that I was NEVER seen by to pad their pockets for greed.
I am a business owner therefore, i am a very good record keeper and used pertinent information
against Tanner to support my case along with videos and audio...otherwise without it there would be
no would have been hard to prove he is a con.
I proceeded to file a complaint with the State Bar, the FBI headquarters in California and other
local authorities being Tanner stole a tremendous amount of my settlement monies fraudulently. The
State Bar found probable cause to investigate and has scheduled disciplinary hearings...It is a
process however, a decision with the state bar of Nevada will be made soon as the investigation is
currently active but not final. I will update after I hear final outcome from Nevada State Bar.