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Bernard Everett

Bernard Everett

Personal Injury and Motor Vehicle Accidents Lawyer
Everett Law, PLLC
Anaconda, MT
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About Bernard Everett

Attorney Biography

Injuries change lives. Being hurt sidelines us from work, and from activity. Trying to navigate the benefit process after an injury can be overwhelming. Everett Law can help when an injury changes your life. Our professional law firm is located in historic downtown Anaconda, Mont. and serves clients throughout the region. We offer a dynamic blend of longstanding legal experience and a fresh understanding of modern legal practices. Our clients are hard-working, fun-loving Montanans, and so are we. We practice in all areas of the law, while emphasizing in helping people who have been injured or are disabled and need a hand securing Worker’s Compensation, Social Security and insurance benefits.

Practice Areas

Personal Injury (34%)
Motor Vehicle Accidents (33%)
Wrongful Death (33%)

Résumé - Bernard Everett

Bar Licenses

Montana State Bar
Member in Good Standing

Reviews - Bernard Everett

Not yet reviewed

Attorney Endorsements

Not yet endorsed

Contact Bernard Everett

Bernard Everett
Everett Law, PLLC
217 East Park ST
Anaconda, MT 59711
Office: 406-563-5005

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Personal Injury in Montana - The Lawyer Legion Personal Injury Information Center of Montana provides valuable resources for people in need of legal help with a personal injury claim. Browse and compare lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists and recognized leaders in the field of personal injury and civil trial law. Find valuable resources such as legal associations, civil justice organizations, courts, and government resources in the state of Montana.
