Attorney Biography
Practice Areas
Advance Health Care Directive
Are Trusts only for the wealthy?
Beneficiary Deeds
Can I give my back up Attorney-in-Fact different power than my primary?
Can I leave gifts in my Will?
Do I name a guardian for my children in my Will?
Does a Will protect my property from Probate?
Financial Power of Attorney
General Power of Attorney
Health Care POA & Advance Health Care Directive
Health Care Power of Attorney
How do I avoid Probate?
How often should I update my estate plan?
If I have a Trust do I still need a Will?
Last Will and Testament
Special Needs Trusts
Trusts Pt. 1
Trusts Pt. 2
What are the benefits of a Revocable Living Trust?
What do Trust instructions look like?
What does a "Health Care Attorney-in-Fact" do?
What does an Attorney-in-Fact do?
What happens if I die without a Will?
What is a Durable Power of Attorney?
What is a General Power of Attorney?
What is a Health Care Power of Attorney?
What is a Personal Representative?
What is a Springing Power of Attorney?
What is a Trust?
What is an Advance Health Care Directive?
What is Estate Planning?
What is Probate?
What kind of issues are addressed in a Will?
Who should I appoint as my Successor Trustee?
Who should I choose as my Attorney-in-Fact?
Who should I choose as my Health Care Attorney in Fact?
Who should I nominate as my Personal Representative?
Why Choose Us.
Why do I want to avoid Probate?
Wills vs. Trusts