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Jared C Austin

Jared C Austin

Criminal Defense Lawyer
Austin Legal Services, PLC
Lansing, MI
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About Jared C Austin

Attorney Biography

I am the managing attorney of Austin Legal Services, PLC located in Lansing, MI. My primary focus is on the following areas of law:

Criminal defense-- felonies and misdemeanors for adults and juveniles DUI/OWI-- drunk driving offenses Driver's License Restorations and Appeals-- if you have lost your driving privileges, we can help you get them back Probation Violations Sex Offender Registry Removal-- If you have been placed on SORA, we can determine if you are eligible to petition the court to be removed from the list. Drug Crimes-- includes marijuana use and possession, possession of cocaine, heroin, analogues and other controlled substances, possession with intent to deliver (drug dealing), and operating a drug house. Minor in Possession of Alcohol (MIP) Theft Crimes-- such as larceny, larceny from a motor vehicle, larceny from a building, unlawful driving away of an automobile, retail fraud (shoplifting) Assualt Crimes-- including assualt and battery, domestic violence, felonious assualt, assualt with intent to do great bodily harm, and child abuse Wepons Charges-- crimes involving guns, knives, and other weapons such as felony firearm, felon in possession of a firearm, carrying a concealed weapon Sex Crimes-- Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC), rape, molestation

Family Law:

Uncontested Divorce Relative and Step-parent Adoption Child Custody

Wills & Estate Planning

Basic wills Trusts Healthcare Directives Powers of Attorney

Practice Areas

Criminal Defense (100%)

Résumé - Jared C Austin

Bar Licenses

Michigan State Bar
Member in Good Standing

Work Experience

Research Assistant-- Lovejoy Law Offices, PC

Court Appointed Counsel-- Ingham County, MI

Austin Legal Services, PLC
Managing Attorney-- Austin Legal Services, PLC

Document Reviewer-- Miller, Canfiled Paddock, & St

Law Clerk-- Michigan House of Representatives

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Thomas M. Cooley Law School-- Lansing, MI
Juris Doctor

Shawnee State University-- Portsmouth, OH
Bachelor of Arts

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American Bar Association

Awards & Honors

Excellence in Leadership
Christian Legal Society (Cooley Law School)

Certificate of Merit
Thomas M. Cooley Law School

Highest Grade Award
Phi Delta Phi

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Commercial Recognitions

Professional Involvement badge
Recognized for Professional Involvement
Lawyer Legion

Reviews - Jared C Austin

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Attorney Endorsements

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Contact Jared C Austin

Jared C Austin
Austin Legal Services, PLC
909 N. Washington Ave.
Lansing, MI 48906
Office: 517-614-1983

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