Property owners in or around Lafayette Parish, Louisiana have a degree of responsibility to the people on their property.
Premises liability is generally defined as the liability a property owner might have for certain torts that occur on the real property.
Whether or not the person had a right to be on the premises bears significantly on whether the property owner is liable for any injuries the person suffered.
For instance, a retail store has a higher degree of care for customers in its store, but a very low degree of care for a burglar who breaks in.
Property owners with an "attractive nuisance," such as a swimming pool, are responsible for making sure the nuisance is secure from children.
Find out more by contacting a premises liability attorney in Lafayette Parish, Louisiana to discuss the particular facts of your case.
The AAJ is committed to promoting a fair and effective civil justice system while supporting the work of attorneys representing plaintiffs.
Lawyer Referral Service in Lafeyetta Parish, LA - The Lafeyetta Parish Bar Association (LPBA) sponsors a Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) in Lafayette, LA. The purpose of the LPBA LRIS is to administer a coordinated system to help individuals and businesses find a local attorney with experience in the needed practice area. In exchange for a $25 initial consultation fee, you can schedule a 30 minute office consultation to meet with the attorney to discuss the case and the attorney fees needed for additional services beyond the consultation. The $25 consultation fee is waived personal injury, workers' compensation, or social security cases.