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Ashton Thomas Dewey

Ashton Thomas Dewey

DUI / DWI and Criminal Defense Lawyer
Dewey & Braud Law LLC
Baton Rouge, LA
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About Ashton Thomas Dewey

Attorney Biography

Licensed for 17 years, Ashton Thomas Dewey is a DUI / DWI and Criminal Defense lawyer in Baton Rouge Louisiana

Practice Areas

DUI / DWI (66%)
Criminal Defense (34%)

Résumé - Ashton Thomas Dewey

Bar Licenses

Louisiana State Bar
Member in Good Standing


Commercial Recognitions

Professional Involvement badge
Recognized for Professional Involvement
Lawyer Legion

Reviews - Ashton Thomas Dewey

Not yet reviewed

Attorney Endorsements

Not yet endorsed

Contact Ashton Thomas Dewey

Ashton Thomas Dewey
Dewey & Braud Law LLC
9270 Siegen Ln BLDG 103
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Office: 225-953-8330

More Information

Statewide Practice Areas

DUI / DWI in Louisiana - DUI, DWI, drunk driving defense attorneys in the United States. Lawyer Legion DUI information center on penalties and punishments and finding a DUI defense attorney.

Criminal Defense in Louisiana - Compare criminal defense attorneys in Louisiana. Find the best criminal lawyers on Lawyer Legion, including certified specialists and recognized leaders in LA.
