Find an attorney for prenuptial or marital agreements in Will County, Illinois. Prenuptial or marital agreements are contracts signed prior to the marriage or civil union that provide for the division of property or spousal support if the parties later separate or divorce. The enforcement of a prenuptial agreement depends on a showing that it was signed without coercion and a fair disclosure of assets was made by each party before it was signed. Find an attorney for a prenuptial agreement in Will County, Illinois or a postnuptial or marital agreement.
Lawyer Referral Service in Will County, IL - The Will County Bar Association in Joliet, IL, sponsors a lawyer referral service. Private attorneys that practice within Joliet and throughout Will County serve on different panels depending on their experience in a particular practice area. The stated purpose of the program is to "assist the general public by providing a way in which any person who can afford to pay a reasonable fee for legal services may be referred to a qualified member of the bar." In exchange for a nominal $15 consultation fee, you will receive a 30 minute office consultation with the attorney to discuss the case and the attorney fees needed for additional representation.