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Dustin E. Smith

Dustin E. Smith

Criminal Defense and DUI / DWI Lawyer
Gruszeczki & Smith Law, LLP
Chicago, IL
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About Dustin E. Smith

Attorney Biography

Dustin is a graduate of the John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois.  Dustin began his career as a prosecutor in the city of Chicago with the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office where he gained priceless experience litigating all manner of criminal cases. This experience includes both bench trials and jury trials with charges ranging from DUI’s, drugs, guns, and even murder. 

Practice Areas

Criminal Defense (75%)
DUI / DWI (25%)


Résumé - Dustin E. Smith

Bar Licenses

Illinois State Bar
Member in Good Standing

Work Experience

Gruszeczki & Smith Law, LLP

Cook County State's Attorney's Office
Assistant State's Attorney

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The John Marshall Law School
The John Marshall Law School
Juris Doctorate

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

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Illinois State Bar Association
Illinois State Bar Association

Chicago Bar Association (CBA)

Cook County Bar Association

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Commercial Recognitions

Professional Involvement badge
Recognized for Professional Involvement
Lawyer Legion

Reviews - Dustin E. Smith

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Attorney Endorsements

Not yet endorsed

Contact Dustin E. Smith

Dustin E. Smith
Gruszeczki & Smith Law, LLP
33 N. Dearborn Suite 1950
Chicago, IL 60602

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Statewide Practice Areas

Cook County, Illinois - The Lawyer Legion Information Center of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois provides numerous resources for consumers in need of legal guidance. Search our directory of lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists, and bar associations. Learn more about the legal system in Chicago and Cook County, IL by finding important government and court resources, an overview of state laws. Use our comprehensive attorney directory to browse, compare connect with the best attorneys currently practicing law in Chicago.

Criminal Defense in Illinois - Compare criminal defense attorneys in Illinois. Find the best criminal lawyers on Lawyer Legion, including certified specialists and recognized leaders in IL.

DUI / DWI in Illinois - DUI, DWI, drunk driving defense attorneys in the United States. Lawyer Legion DUI information center on penalties and punishments and finding a DUI defense attorney.
