Attorney Biography
Experience includes ERISA, public and private employee benefit issues and litigation (e.g., disability issues), Administrative Review, Employment Law (e.g., Age Discrimination, Disability Discrimination) Civil Appeal, Alternative Dispute Resolution (Arbitration).
I have been an attorney since 1980, specializing in ERISA most of my career. ERISA is the federal law that governs all types of employee benefits matters for private employers, such as pensions, disability issues, and health and welfare issues. My practice has expanded the last several years to include Employment Law, such as Title VII, Age Discrimination, Disability Discrimination, etc. I handle Civil Appeals, QDROs and QILDROs in domestic relations courts, and litigation in Federal and State Courts.
My experience includes major law firm, major consulting firm and major accounting firm experience, prior to joining a regional labor and employment firm representing huge union clients and their members I remain Of Counsel to this firm presently, along with my separate practice of DMO Law Firm.
I also engage in Alternative Dispute Resolution as an Arbitrator in several forums, arbitrating employment, investment -related and consumer cases.