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Christopher Patrick Ford

Christopher Patrick Ford

Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Lawyer
Law Office of Christopher Patrick Ford
Chicago, IL
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About Christopher Patrick Ford

Attorney Biography

Christopher Patrick Ford was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in the steel mill belt or "Region", running from the far South Side of Chicago through Hammond, East Chicago, and Gary, Indiana.

Trial attorney Christopher Patrick Ford has obtained multi-million dollar recoveries on 30 separate occasions including the following jury verdicts:

$17,555,957.00 in a medical malpractice case for 33 year old man who suffered a quadriplegia after open heart surgery.

$5,267,581.31 in a medical malpractice case for a man who required an above-knee amputation due to the failure to diagnose appendicitis, leading to sepsis and arterial clot in the leg.

$3,600,000.00 in a construction negligence case for a man who sustained an above-knee amputation in a tractor rollover.

$6,000,000.00 against the City of Chicago for the death of a 25 year old graduate student killed in a police chase.

$2,985,649.54 in a construction safety case for a night watchman who sustained 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his hands and torso while using a fire barrel to stay warm.

$3,079,000.00 verdict on behalf of a factory worker who lost his foot in a forklift rollover due to a product defect.

$4,752,000.00 verdict in a medical malpractice case in conservative Kane County, Illinois on behalf of a 61 year old man who sustained paraplegia due to a hospital and physician's failure to diagnose a spinal infection.

$2,970,000.00 verdict in a medical malpractice case in conservative Du Page County, Illinois for a couple whose biracial daughter died 19 days after birth due to an intestinal infection known as necrotizing enterocolitis.

Practice Areas

Medical Malpractice (30%)
Personal Injury (20%)
Products Liability (20%)
Wrongful Death (10%)
Spinal Cord Injuries (10%)
Brain Injury (10%)
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Bar Licenses

Illinois State Bar
Member in Good Standing


The National Trial Lawyers

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Lawyer Legion

Reviews - Christopher Patrick Ford

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Contact Christopher Patrick Ford

Christopher Patrick Ford
Law Office of Christopher Patrick Ford
30 North Michigan Avenue Suite 1704
Chicago, IL 60602
Office: 312-372-0505

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Personal Injury in Illinois - The Lawyer Legion Personal Injury Information Center of Illinois provides valuable resources for people in need of legal help with a personal injury claim. Browse and compare lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists and recognized leaders in the field of personal injury and civil trial law. Find valuable resources such as legal associations, civil justice organizations, courts, and government resources in the state of Illinois.