Worst Attorney you can imagine
Serra was court appt atty for my Son. His girlfriend went in a hot tub by herself with a 3.0
alchohol level or more and passed out and was drowning. He had to use all his strength to pull her
250 lb body out and save her. Needless to say she got a little banged up. They tried to say he beat
her up because of her bruises of dragging her out one leg and arm at a time and being drunk
Serra did NOTHING to defend him. My Emergency room nurse friend and I gave her tons of evidence in
his favor. She refused to use any of it and even sent us nasty letters for trying to help. What
should have been an easy case for her to win, she just stepped aside and let the prosecutor have it.
She just laid down for him and did NOTHING in favor of my son. Now he is going to jail for something
he did not do. He has a little boy now since then and a fiancé who is a school teacher. He is going
away for a while because of her negligence and inefficients as an atty. Worst atty you could EVER