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HawaiiAdministrative Law Lawyers in Hawaii

Administrative lawyers in Hawaii deal with administrative agencies, state licensing and regulatory boards in the federal, state and local government. Administrative law frequently deals with rulemaking which is defined as the process of government bodies creating rules for how to operate in conformity with laws passed by the legislative body. Administrative law has a direct and profound impact on businesses and individuals. An administrative lawyer in Hawaii often represents individuals or businesses in administrative hearings for immigration, manufacturing, taxation, the environment, and international trade.

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Derek Douglas Peterson

Derek Douglas Peterson
46-60 Konane Pl APT 3611
Kaneohe, HI 96744
Licensed for 6 years, Derek Douglas Peterson is a Criminal Defense and Family Law lawyer... read more >

Richard Adam Merker

Richard Adam Merker
330 Saratoga Rd Ste 8604
Honolulu, HI 96815
Licensed for 16 years, Richard Adam Merker is a Civil Trial Law and Contracts lawyer who attended University of Florida Levin College of La... read more >
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Lawyer Referral Service in Hawaii - For more than 35 years, the Hawaii State Bar Association in Honolulu, HI, has sponsored a Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS). The LRIS is the only lawyer referral service in the state. The Lawyer Referral Service in Hawaii can refer you to a local attorney who is experienced in a particular type of legal practice. Attorneys throughout the State of Hawaii participate in this public service including attorneys in Oahu, Kauai, Maui, West-Hawaii, or East-Hawaii.

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