Ms. Benjamin's Allegation is False
Ms. Benjamin's review is false and contradicts the facts, as determined by the Plantation Police
Department and the Palm Beach State Attorney's Office, after exhaustive investigations, that there
was no inappropriate conduct between us.
Her post is nothing more than her ongoing false and vicious campaign to damage my professional
reputation after repeated investigations have found no evidence of such behavior.
The facts are:
After agreeing to pay final outstanding fees to me, and the entry of an Agreed Final Judgment for
Fees and Costs, Ms Benjamin defied that Agreed Final Judgment and ongoing subsequent Court Orders to
pay her 2 prior attorneys, including Steven Effman. Only an Order imposing jail time for Contempt
resulted in Ms Benjamin finally paying her debt to Mr. Effman. That is when her ongoing repeated
groundless and malicious posts began.
All these facts are public record.