Attorney Biography
I became an attorney after realizing that in order for the rights enumerated in the Constitution of the United States to be "guarenteed," those rights must be constantly defended against those who attempt to abuse or violate them. And while there are multiple well funded organizations with a wide array of technical resources devoted to enforcing the laws and bringing criminal cases against citizens, citizens have only defense lawyers to protect and defend their rights in the face of an active prosecution.
To bring a case, police departments have manpower, vehicles, weapons, laboratories, forensic capabilities, communications gear, helicopters, machinery, and funding. And while prosecutors are ethically assigned to seek justice, you better be ready for those who freely choose to simply, and sometimes blindly, prosecute.
I am a former aerospace engineer who, as a result of my background, excels in any case where technical considerations or technical experts may become a factor. This applies in drug cases certainly, and anytime ballistics, DNA, or other forensic or scientific evidence is likely to be introduced.
I believe in an aggressive defense for anyone who has the awsome police powers of the government or the unfair actions of corporations leveled against them and am passionate about providing a zealous representation for anyone who has been accused of a criminal act.
When I was an engineer, I was working to create the weapons and systems that defended our Constitution against enemies from without. Now I work to enforce that document from the forces within our own system that work to tilt the playing field against the accused. I truly feel that it is a privilege to be able to perform these important tasks. It is what makes our Constitution worth having.
See a more complete biography on my website: and see client reviews of my services at Thank you.