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Riley H Beam

Riley H Beam

Personal Injury Lawyer
Douglas R. Beam, P.A.
Melbourne, FL
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About Riley H Beam

Attorney Biography

Riley Beam's first trial was historic for the firm and record-breaking for Brevard County. In his first case, his client was awarded a $28,500,000 million verdict. Since then, he has been instrumental in securing positive results for clients in personal injury and criminal defense law. Riley follows in the tradition of the firm and believes in taking cases to trial. His work has always been for the common man and is built in a rich history of standing up against large institutions who prey on those who are not represented.

Riley's work is focused in motor vehicle collisions, civil rights, trucking, premises liability, slip/trip and falls, negligent security, nursing home negligence, medical malpractice, and many other personal injury incidents where clients have suffered paralyzation, brain injuries, life-long physical and emotional injuries, or death.

Riley attended the University of Florida during their historic championship runs and graduated with a B.A. in Advertising. After graduating, Riley went directly to Florida International University College of Law, a top 100 law school in the nation. He has been published in the Florida Justice Association Journal regarding damages in personal injury cases, has given presentations at the Workhorse Seminar on the topic of personal injury and the Vassar B. Carlton Inn of Court on the topics professionalism and burdens of proof.

Riley was named a Top 100 Trial Lawyer in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 by The National Trial Lawyers.

He currently lives in Melbourne, Florida with his wife and daughter.

Practice Areas

Personal Injury (90%)
Mass Tort (10%)


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Résumé - Riley H Beam

Bar Licenses

Florida State Bar
Member in Good Standing

Work Experience

Douglas R. Beam P.A.
Managing Attorney



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Recognized for Professional Involvement
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Top 100 Trial Lawyer
The National Trial Lawyers

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Reviews - Riley H Beam

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Contact Riley H Beam

Riley H Beam
Douglas R. Beam, P.A.
25 W New Haven Ave Ste C
Melbourne, FL 32901
Office: 321-723-6591
Fax: 321-723-5926

More Information

Bar License Information

Membership with The Florida Bar -

Riley H Beam - Membership information with The Florida Bar - Find more information about Riley H Beam on The Florida Bar website including the attorney's bar license status, eligibility status and ten year discipline history, if any. Check the Florida bar website to make sure the attorney is a member in good standing with the Florida Bar and currently licensed to practice law in Florida.

Statewide Practice Areas

Brevard County, Florida - The Lawyer Legion Information Center of Brevard County, Florida provides numerous resources for consumers in need of legal guidance. Search our directory of lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists, and bar associations. Learn more about the legal system in Melbourne, FL by finding an overview of state and county laws, important government and court resources. Use our comprehensive attorney directory to browse, compare connect with the best attorneys currently practicing law throughout the Space Coast of Central Florida.

Personal Injury in Florida - The Lawyer Legion Personal Injury Information Center of Florida provides valuable resources for people in need of legal help with a personal injury claim. Browse and compare lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists and recognized leaders in the field of personal injury and civil trial law. Find valuable resources such as legal associations, civil justice organizations, courts, and government resources in the state of Florida.
