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Emma Hemness

Emma Hemness

Estate and Probate Law and Wills Lawyer
The Elder Law of Emma Hemness, P. A.
Brandon, FL
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About Emma Hemness

Attorney Biography

Emma Hemness is one of only a handful of Elder Law Attorneys in Florida who are Board Certified. With her Board Certification by the Florida Bar in 2004, Emma is considered an "expert" and a "board certified specialist" (BCS) in the field of Elder Law. In addition to her Florida Bar certification, she became nationally certified in Elder Law as a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) in 2005 by the National Elder Law Foundation. In 2008, she also became accredited by the Veterans Administration, with accreditation being a federal requirement for anyone counseling veterans.

Practice Areas

Estate and Probate Law (20%)
Wills (16%)
Trusts (16%)
Probate (16%)
Estate Planning (16%)
Elder Law (16%)
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Résumé - Emma Hemness

Bar Licenses

Florida State Bar
Member in Good Standing

Awards & Honors

Elder Law Attorney Member of the Year Award
Florida Chapter, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys

Reviews - Emma Hemness

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Attorney Endorsements

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Contact Emma Hemness

Emma Hemness
The Elder Law of Emma Hemness, P. A.
309 North Parsons Avenue
Brandon, FL 33510
Office: 813-661-5297

Online Profiles

More Information

Bar License Information

Membership with The Florida Bar -

Emma Hemness - Membership information with The Florida Bar - Find more information about Emma Hemness on The Florida Bar website including the attorney's bar license status, eligibility status and ten year discipline history, if any. Check the Florida bar website to make sure the attorney is a member in good standing with the Florida Bar and currently licensed to practice law in Florida.

Statewide Practice Areas

Hillsborough County, Florida - The Lawyer Legion Information Center of Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida provides numerous resources for consumers in need of legal guidance. Search our directory of lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists, and bar associations. Learn more about the legal system in Tampa and Hillsborough County, FL by finding an overview of state and county laws, important government and court resources. Use our comprehensive attorney directory to browse, compare connect with the best attorneys currently practicing law in Tampa.

Estate and Probate Law in Florida - The Lawyer Legion Estate and Probate Law Info Center of Florida provides valuable resources for people in need of help with a trust, will, or probate case. Browse and compare lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists and recognized leaders in the fields of estate, trust and probate law. Find valuable resources such as legal associations, courts, and government resources in the state of Florida.