Attorney Biography
Ms. E. Audrey Glover-Dichter has over 25 years of experience practicing law. Prior to practicing Advertising and Marketing Law, Ms. Glover-Dichter practiced primarily business immigration law, giving her extensive experience working with clients and businesses worldwide mostly in Spanish.
Currently, Ms. Glover-Dichter advises clients on Advertising and Marketing Law in the USA. In particular, she works with businesses and agencies that would like to advertise products in the USA for the first time. Ms. Glover-Dichter guides clients throughout the creative process by reviewing ads for all media venues in English and Spanish, and before they are published, in order to meet the regulatory requirements of the intended market and audience.
Ms. Glover-Dichter also reviews current marketing campaigns in English and Spanish to advise on potential changes needed tomeet the applicable regulatory requirements. The law changes constantly. It is imperative that marketing campaigns be reviewed and refreshed as necessary to meet the ever changing requirements of the law. Ms. Glover-Dichter, also works with in-house counsel as the need arises.
Advertising and Marketing law is covered by several bodies of laws on thestates level and federal level. It could be confusing trying to meet all the regulatory requirements, but Ms. Glover-Dichter guides you during the creative process in English and Spanish, and before your marketing campaigns are exposed to the public and your competition. Regardless of the language of your marketing campaign, Advertising and Marketing Law applies if your campaign targets the US market.