Attorney Biography
Gregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law, specializes in VA disability compensation appeals for disabled veterans and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) appeals for surviving spouses. Mr. Rada gives legal counsel to veterans who are unable to work due to injuries and disabilities sustained while on active duty.As a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, Mr. Rada, can relate to his clients, and as a disabled veteran, he also has special insight into the disability claims process. His experience was a drawn-out ordeal that took eight years from initial claim to completion, so he understands the consequences of filing a VA disability claim without adequate preparation or legal counsel. In fact, Mr. Rada eventually hired a fellow VA benefits lawyer to bring his appeal to a successful conclusion.With this unique experience, Mr. Rada sympathizes with those who have to wait years and even decades for their claim to be approved – and strives to help expedite those claims to get disabled veterans the financial support they deserve.Specializing in PTSD VA Disability ClaimsGregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law, puts specific focus on disabled veterans who are unemployable due to psychiatric conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental conditions including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Because of the strenuous, thorough nature of PTSD disability appeals, it is always recommended to seek the services of an experienced VA disability lawyer before initiating the appeal process.Putting Veterans’ Rights FirstGregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law, is a staunch supporter of veterans’ rights and support systems, assisting in any way he can to better the lives of disabled veterans. He is a member of various legal organizations centered on veteran support, including the National Organization for Veterans Advocates, National Veterans Legal Services program, and Colorado Lawyers for Colorado Veterans.If you are a disabled veteran looking for help with your VA disability compensation, appeal contact Gregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law, immediately. The initial consultation is free, and any other fees are advanced until your appeal gets approved. Contact me today.