Attorney Biography
Joshua Dale is one of the experienced San Francisco Bay area DUI and criminal defense attorneys - He is former law enforcement, an evolutionary criminologist, as well as successful DUI and criminal defense lawyer.Dale's notoriety comes from successfully representing many, many clients since 1994; writing California Drunk Driving Law after Ed Kuwatch took ill; fighting his own case to the California Supreme Court; and currently authoring 5 different DUI defense websites - Joshua Dale is the only one of the criminal defense authors who has transferred from the old school law practices into the future of legal cloud computing.Joshua Dale doesn't waste your money on expensive and unnecessary overhead - since going virtual and eliminating that overhead, he's saved clients thousands of dollars with lower attorneys fees. But remember, cheap attorneys aren't good, and good attorneys aren't cheap. He tries to get the charges dismissed by the DMV, the DA, the judge, and/or the jury.He trains with the California DUI Lawyers Association, California Public Defenders Association, California Attorneys for Criminal Justice (CACJ), National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the National College for DUI Defense. He routinely attends training and presents for these types of organizations in his role as Director of the California DUI Lawyers Association. He prefers cases in the Sonoma, Napa, Marin, Solano and San Francisco counties of California.