Terrible Jeffrey kraznutts
If any one in the county has a problem with you, he will tell lies and blackmale you trying to a
guilty plea out of you even if you have proof of your innocents, never presenting your evidence,
threatening you with saying you are incompetent to stand trial if you don't go along with him, then
tell the court he never said it as he assists the DA in writing you off as a nut in cover up of
corruption, he also has his secratery tell you he told her what you said, then I St as you confront
him with it, she turns around and says she didn't say it either, be aware, he's working on being the
next DA, and is showing them he's a corrupt team player like they are for brownie points, BE VERY
AWHARE of this guy, he's a smooth salesman working for the state, not you