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Babak Robert Farzad

Babak Robert Farzad

Family Lawyer
Farzad & Ochoa Family Law Attorneys, LLP
Los Angeles, CA
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About Babak Robert Farzad

Attorney Biography

Great family law representation starts and ends with knowledgeable and experienced family law attorneys who have as their clients good and honest people. Our Orange County divorce and family law attorneys bring that high quality representation because of our exceptional communication skills, in depth knowledge of family law and successful courtroom litigation experience. We carefully choose the clients we represent because we value the importance of dedicating our time and skill to good, honest and right-thinking husbands, wives, fathers and mothers. Our family law firm handles simple to highly complex divorce and parentage cases, both before and after there is a judgment. We are respected, trusted and ready to help.

Practice Areas

Family Law (100%)


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Résumé - Babak Robert Farzad

Bar Licenses

California State Bar
Member in Good Standing


California Lawyers Association
California Lawyers Association

California Lawyers Association, Family Law Section
California Lawyers Association, Family Law Section

Commercial Recognitions

Professional Involvement badge
Recognized for Professional Involvement
Lawyer Legion

Reviews - Babak Robert Farzad

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Attorney Endorsements

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Contact Babak Robert Farzad

Babak Robert Farzad
Farzad & Ochoa Family Law Attorneys, LLP
555 Flower Street Suite 760
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Office: 213-201-1199

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Bar License Information

California Bar Membership -

Babak Robert Farzad - Profile information with the State Bar of California - Find more information about Babak Robert Farzad on the State Bar of California website, including: current status, actions affecting eligibility to practice law and disciplinary history.

Statewide Practice Areas

Los Angeles County, California - The Lawyer Legion Information Center of Los Angeles, California provides comprehensive resources for consumers in need of help from a lawyer, including board-certified specialists, bar associations, and attorneys recognized as leaders in their field. Learn more about the legal profession in California, including Government and courts, state laws, and answers to legal questions. Use our directory to connect with the best attorneys in your area and choose the right law firm to handle your case.

Family Law in California - The Lawyer Legion Family Law Information Center of California provides valuable resources for people in need of legal help with a divorce or family law issue. Browse and compare lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists and recognized leaders in the field of matrimonial law. Find valuable resources such as legal associations, civil justice organizations, courts, and government resources in the state of California.
