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Kenneth A Bills

Kenneth A Bills

Personal Injury and Motor Vehicle Accidents Lawyer
The Advocates
Seattle, WA
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About Kenneth A Bills

Attorney Biography

I practice in the areas of mass tort and personal injury law. I am a licensed to practice injury law in both Utah and Washington. Let me help you protect from insurance companies and make sure you get what you deserve. I know if you or a loved one have been harmed or injured because of negligence on the part of a company, you may benefit from being part of a mass tort claim. I have great experience helping people come together as a group to fight for higher standards.

Practice Areas

Personal Injury (50%)
Motor Vehicle Accidents (50%)

Résumé - Kenneth A Bills

Bar Licenses

Washington State Bar
Member in Good Standing


Washington State Association for Justice
Eagle Member
Washington State Association for Justice

Commercial Recognitions

Professional Involvement badge
Recognized for Professional Involvement
Lawyer Legion

Reviews - Kenneth A Bills

Not yet reviewed

Attorney Endorsements

Not yet endorsed

Contact Kenneth A Bills

Kenneth A Bills
The Advocates
2125 Western Ave #500
Seattle, WA 98121
Office: 206-452-4200

More Information

Bar License Information

Washington State Bar Association -

Kenneth A Bills - Member information with the Washington State Bar Association - Find more information about Kenneth A Bills on the Washington State Bar Association website including member status and disciplinary history.
