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South CarolinaContracts Lawyers in Fort Mill, South Carolina

Attorneys that practice contract law in Fort Mill, South Carolina often draft contracts for businesses, negotiate the terms, and execute legally-enforceable agreements.

Disputes often arise when one party to the contract fails to live up to the agreement, often called a “breach” of the contract.

Remedies for a breach of contract can include general damages, reliance damages, specific performance and consequential damages.

When choosing a contract law attorney in Fort Mill, South Carolina consider the lawyers training and experience in drafting, negotiating or litigating disputes for similar types of contracts.

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Thomas Carroll Jeter III

Thomas Carroll Jeter III
Nosal & Jeter, LLP
852 Gold Hill Rd., Unit 201
Fort Mill, SC 29708
Licensed for 12 years, Thomas Carroll Jeter III is a Business Law and DUI / DWI lawyer who attended University of South Carolina School of ... read more >

Brian McCoy

Brian McCoy
McCoy Law Firm, LLC
378 East Main Street
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Brian McCoy is a Family Law and Divorce lawyer who attended Duke University School of Law... read more >

Govan T. Myers

Govan T. Myers
Trimnal & Myers, LLC
201 West Dunlap Street
Lancaster, SC 29721
Licensed for 20 years, Govan T. Myers is a Family Law and Personal Injury lawyer... read more >

Jonathan S Frank

Jonathan S Frank
8048 Pawleys Ct
Indian Land, SC 29707
Licensed for 35 years, Jonathan S Frank is a Estate and Probate Law and Criminal Defense lawyer... read more >
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