Attorney Information

Full Name  Updated Date 
Discipline History
Disciplinary Action Case Number Effective Date
 Disciplinary sanctions entered against an attorney by the Supreme Court pursuant to Gov. Bar R. V, are displayed here. (Please note that disciplinary sanctions dated prior to 1957 may have been imposed by Ohio courts other than the Supreme Court of Ohio.) The information does not include grievances that may have been filed against an attorney because grievances are generally confidential unless a formal complaint is filed and probable cause determined. The list also does not include disciplinary matters that were dismissed by the Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline or the Supreme Court or that currently are pending against an attorney but not yet decided by the Supreme Court.

Disciplinary information is added to the attorney's record by the Office of Attorney Services and will appear the next business day.

If you have further questions, please contact the Office of Attorney Services at 614.387.9320.
Administrative Sanctions and Suspensions
 A summary of Administrative sanctions entered against an attorney by the Supreme Court pursuant to Gov. Bar R. VI and X , including suspensions for failing to comply with continuing legal education (“CLE”) and attorney registration requirements, are displayed here. For additional information regarding a CLE sanction entered for the 2007 reporting period and earlier, please contact the Clerk’s Office at 614.387.9530. For information regarding a CLE sanction entered for the 2008 reporting period and subsequent reporting periods, please contact the Office of Attorney Services at 614.387.9320.
Status Definitions
Status Definition
Active: Active attorneys may practice law in Ohio, assuming all other requirements are met.
Inactive: Inactive attorneys may not practice law in Ohio or hold themselves out as authorized to practice law in Ohio. See, Gov. Bar R. VI, Sec. 5.
Corporate: Corporate status is available to attorneys not admitted to practice law in Ohio who are employed full-time by a non-governmental Ohio employer. See, Gov. Bar R. VI, Sec. 6.
Emeritus: Emeritus Pro Bono attorneys may provide legal services only on behalf of recognized Pro Bono organizations. See, Gov. Bar R. VI, Sec. 8.
Military Spouse Attorney: Out of state attorneys who are temporarily admitted to the practice of law in Ohio pursuant to Gov. Bar R. I, Sec. 16
Retired: Attorneys registered for retired status must have been at least 65 years old at the time of their retired registration. Retired attorneys may not practice law in Ohio or hold themselves out as authorized to practice law in Ohio. See, Gov. Bar R. VI, former Sec. 3. Retired registration status is no longer available as a registration status, effective September 1, 2007.
Certified: A certified attorney is not admitted to practice in Ohio but is temporarily certified to practice law for a legal service or public defender program. See, Gov. Bar R. IX or contact the Bar Admissions Office (614.387.9340).
Foreign Legal Consultant: A foreign legal consultant is admitted to practice in a foreign country but not in Ohio and is authorized to provide limited legal services in Ohio. See, Gov. Bar R. XI or contact the Bar Admissions Office (614.387.9340).
Ex-Corporate: Person previously registered for corporate status.
Ex-Certified: Person previously certified pursuant to Gov. Bar R. IX.
Ex-Foreign Legal Consultant: Person previously certified as a foreign legal consultant pursuant to Gov. Bar R. XI.
Practice Pending Admission: A person permitted to temporarily practice law in Ohio while their application for admission is pending in the Office of Bar Admissions. See Gov. Bar R. I, Sec. 19 and 05/14/2020 Administrative Actions #2, 2020-Ohio-2954.
Not Registered: Refers to an attorney who is not registered with the Office of Attorney Services in accordance with Gov. Bar R. VI.
Not Required: Refers to an attorney who is not required to register with the Office of Attorney Services for a variety of reasons. Please contact the Office of Attorney Services at 614.387.9320 for additional information.
 The address and telephone information found in this listing has been provided to the Office of Attorney Services by the attorney. The directory lists an attorney's business address. An attorney's residence address is displayed only if the attorney has not provided a valid business address. See, Gov. Bar R. VI, Sec. 1(G). "Invalid" next to the address indicates that mail sent to this address has been returned as undeliverable or that the attorney has not provided a complete mailing address. Also note that the record displays the attorney's current name on file in our records.