Construction law cases that arise during building construction including contract disputes, bonds and bonding, sureties, liens, and construction claims. The definitions of construction law include a wide variety of legal issues for the parties involved in the industry including surveyors, builders, construction workers, subcontractors, engineers, planners, and financial institutions. Construction attorneys in Oklahoma represent construction companies and developers dealing with building code requirements before municipalities.
Lawyer Referral Service in Tulsa, Oklahoma - The Tulsa County Bar Association (TCBA) in Tulsa, Oklahoma, sponsors a Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) that helps individuals and businesses find an attorney throughout Tulsa County and thirteen other counties in northeast Oklahoma. In exchange for a $25.00 processing fee, the public service will refer you to two attorney who have agreed to provide you with a 30 minute consultation at no additional charge. During the consultation, you can discuss your case with one or both of the private attorneys. You can also discuss the attorney fees needed for additional representation.