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New HampshireEnvironmental Law Lawyers in New Hampshire

Environmental law attorneys in New Hampshire work with a myriad of environmental international treaties, statutes, laws, legislation and regulations. The attorneys for environmental law firms represent businesses and companies seeking to comply with environmental regulations or answering to regulatory bodies on environmental matters. Environmental lawyers in New Hampshire also represent people who have been the victims of pollution or toxins released by a company or industrial facility, or representing the company against such claims.

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Don Barton Doyle

Don Barton Doyle
125 Main St Ste 17
Newmarket, NH 03857
Licensed for 37 years, Don Barton Doyle is a Environmental Law lawyer who attended University of Pittsburgh School of Law... read more >

Timothy James Vaughan

Timothy James Vaughan
Wheelabrator Technologies
100 Arboretum Dr Ste 310
Newington, NH 03801
Licensed for 9 years, Timothy James Vaughan is a Environmental Law and Bankruptcy lawyer who attended Notre Dame Law School... read more >

Vasilios Manthos

Vasilios Manthos
11 Bassett Ln
Newfields, NH 03856
Licensed for 9 years, Vasilios Manthos is a Employment Law and Appellate Law lawyer who attended University of Mississippi School of Law... read more >
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