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MississippiChapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyers in Hinds County, Mississippi

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is for individual debtors in Hinds County, Mississippi who cannot meet their financial obligations but do not wish for all their nonexempt assets to be liquidated and want to avoid those assets being foreclosed upon or their wages being garnished.

In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the debtor's finances are reorganized and he or she is put on a payment plan. Unlike in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the debts are not discharged at the end.

Contact a bankruptcy lawyer in Hinds County, Mississippi for legal advice on filing a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.

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Richard Finis Dean

Richard Finis Dean
Richard F. Dean, PLLC
413 S President St. Ste117
Jackson, MS 39201
Licensed for 29 years, Richard Finis Dean is a Tax Law and Bankruptcy lawyer who attended Mississippi College School of Law... read more >

Jordan Liles Ash

Jordan Liles Ash
Ash Law Firm PLLC
4915 I-55 North Suite 203-B
Jackson, MS 39206
Licensed for 17 years, Jordan Liles Ash is a Bankruptcy lawyer... read more >

Matthew Anderson Love

Matthew Anderson Love
Attorney at Law
130 Southpointe Drive Suite D
Byram, MS 39272
Licensed for 15 years, Matthew Anderson Love is a Bankruptcy lawyer... read more >

Wes Stover

Wes Stover
Stover, Gadow & Tyler, PLLC
775 East Fortification Street
Jackson, MS 39202
Wes Stover is a Bankruptcy lawyer... read more >

Frank Harrison Coxwell III

Frank Harrison Coxwell III
Coxwell & Associates, PLLC
500 North State Street
Jackson, MS 39201
Licensed for 46 years, Frank Harrison Coxwell III is a Consumer Law and Bankruptcy lawyer... read more >

Chad Jeffrey Hammons

Chad Jeffrey Hammons
Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrè
190 East Capitol Street Suite 800
Jackson, MS 39201
Chad Jeffrey Hammons is a Bankruptcy lawyer who attended University of Mississippi, School of Law... read more >

John Oliver Windsor

John Oliver Windsor
1775 Lelia Drive Suite E
Jackson, MS 39216
Licensed for 19 years, John Oliver Windsor is a Consumer Law and Bankruptcy lawyer... read more >
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